The ForestSafe system unlike Active Directory, manages the lifetime of a particular computer beyond LDAP, after is has left the domain, and is on a bench awaiting repair. Its ForestSafe status becomes REPLACED and its passwords can still be retrieved. If a live computer is deleted from ForestSafe, it will automatically reappear once the LDAP computer account record for that machine next gets updated. However if the machine has been managed by ForestSafe and has been taken to a bench to be repaired, it cannot be deleted as the passwords are still required by the engineer. In normal circumstances the Delete Computer function should not be used.
A circumstance where it is useful is where there are multiple REPLACED records for a particular hostname that are no longer required.
Delete will remove the computer from every table in the ForestSafe database except from where the name appears in Shared Password Policy. Deleted computers have to removed manually. This is safety feature, as Shared passwords that have been scrambled will be lost once the record has been removed.