We offer a complete VMWare ESXi solution including ESCVE-2024-37085 protection
What is ESCVE-2024-37085?
- ESXi system connected to Active Directory automatically trusts members of 'ESX Admins'.
- A simple backdoor for bad actors.
Why is a VMWare ESXi Ransomware attack so much worse than Windows?
- Hacker kills all processes and encrypts the files on 1 x server only!
- Hundred's of Servers gone in seconds.
EESM VMWare ESXi ransomware protection solution
We offer a complete centralised protection solution for VMWare ESXI servers
- Delete bogus 'ESX Admins' AD Group within 30 x milliseconds.
- QUARANTINE unauthorised root password changes.
- REMOVE additional bogus accounts.

Please watch our ESXI Server protection demo video